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Coup Icare: Air Sports Festival in the French Alps Featuring Costumed Hang Gliders

Coup Icare: Air Sports Festival in the French Alps Featuring Costumed Hang Gliders

added by Cynthia Caughey

Parasailers dressed in elaborate Avatar costume Every September the tiny town of St. Hilaire du Touvet sponsors an air sports festival. The events include hot air balloons, exotic bird exhibits and shows, parasailing jumps, gliders, airplane acrobatics, helicopter rides, and tents filled with airplane gadgets and toys, food and music, street performers, and a multitude of other related activities. The highlight however is the costumed hang gliders who compete for the best costume or who just want to make a political statement with their costume. This event is unbelievable and requires a little insanity and creativity and lots of bravery and skill

more info... http://www.american-in-france.com/coup-icare-air-sports-festival-in-the-french-alps.html

coup icare air sports festival in france, part 1 by cinzia8

Coup Icare: Air Sports Festival in the French Alps Featuring Costumed Hang Gliders

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