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Les Gorges de la Fou (video)

added by Jackie O

Les Gorges de la Fou (video) Les Gorges de la Fou (video)
This is a pleasant trip for an afternoon. The Gorges is a ravine cut into mountains which has a gangway running up it over a stream. The wlkl takes around 50 minutes and is not for those with vertigo as at points you may be 5m above the river. Hard hats are provided and even little one are given helmets although the gangway is protect from above with a wire mesh.

It is quite cool in the ravine so you may want to take a light sweater although we didn't need one as we were walking fast. the walk dopes include steps and can be tiring for the old and very young as it became a bit much for our son when he was 2 years old.

Outside is a snack bar which serves a well deserved cool beer.

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